Digitalizing and mobile mapping services

#DreamDevelopment offers 3D mobile mapping services (geospatial data collection from a mobile vehicle equipped with a range of special systems: LiDAR, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), GNSS receiver (GPS and GLONASS), 360° photography and vehicle odometer) and making 3D scans of constructions. Our company recently acquired:

  • A mobile mapping system, composed of an integrated array of time-synchronized navigation sensors and image sensors mounted on a mobile platform, with which it can perform several services such as: 3D modeling of the routes covered, extraction of vector elements of interest (electric poles, manholes, boundaries, utility routes etc), extraction of 2D and spherical images, raster generation for the traveled area.
  • A 3D laser scanning system which can perform the following types of services: recording of topographic data with high density and resolution, generating 2D and 3D CAD views on which distances, areas and volumes can be measured, real-time analysis and verification of buildings during construction or upon project completion, mapping of highly complex and hard-to-access industrial areas, documentation of buildings and utility networks, 3D modelling of historic/heritage buildings, computer modelling of new or existing buildings (BIM).
  • Software to improve the processing of data collected using the two systems. With these programs the company will be able to provide its customers with accurate data, 3D simulation and faithful visualisation of objects.

Want to set up a meeting?

We are only a call away from a discussion at one of our offices, your headquarters or even in the field.

  • 0742 284 120